
The search and recommendation system that enhances the experience in your online store.

Loaders and actions for adding SmartHint to your website.

SmartHint is an e-commerce search and recommendation system that uses artificial intelligence to elevate the online shopping experience.

It consists of smart search, pages of departments/categories and recommendation showcases.

To access the SmartHint account data or register, go to the admin panel


  • Install via decohub
  • Fill the necessary fields:
    • shcode
    • cluster
    • Public store URL
  • Fill the optional fields (If you will use SmartHint to load category page results)
    • Category Tree (You can use a your platform category loader or fill it manually)

🎉 Your SmartHint setup is complete. You should now see SmartHint loaders/actions available for your sections.

Admin setup

Admin setup
  • 1. Add SmarthintTracking section on Global Section in your site configs
  • 2. Configure autocomplete/search on pages that has a searchbar
  • 3. Configure the SearchResult and Seo section on your Search/Hotsite/Category pages

Dev setup

Dev setup
  • 1. Create a section that receive SmarthintRecommendation[] | null and render your Shelf Sections
  • 2. Create a section that receive Banner[] | null To render Search/Hotsite/Category banners
  • 3. If your store use the useAutocomplete as search function, change to the SmartHint one
  • 4. Call the <SmarthintSendEventOnClick> on your Product Card component on SmartHint shelves or SmartHint Search/Hotsite/Category pages
      Analytics Props
      • id: the product card element id
      • event:
                          position // the index of product on Shelf/SearchResult,
                          productGroupID // the product group id,
                          productPrice // the product price,
                          clickProduct // the url of product,
                          clickFeature // the recommendation name (nameRecommendation) or SearchWithResult if a category/search/hotsite page,
                          positionRecommendation // the position of recommendation (position) or '0' if category/search/hotsite page,
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